CV & Contact

Michal Czinege

* 1980 in Bratislava, Slovakia, lives and works in Finland


Postgraduate studies, Art.D., Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia
MFA in Painting, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia

Academic teaching

Assistant professor at the painting department at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia

Selected solo exhibitions

Slow Painting – Hitaita maalauksia, Galleria Tyko, Nurmes, Finland
Garden of Death (Kimitoön islands), Kulturhus Björkboda, Kemiönsaari, Finland

Open Shells, Gallery Cin Cin, Bratislava, Slovakia

Double Negative, (M. Laurisen kanssa) Pimento, Oulu
200 Milliseconds and Beyond, (M. Laurisen kanssa) Studio Mustanapa, Rovaniemi, Finland

You Were Never Really Here, Gallery Huuto, Helsinki, Finland

Peter Schlemihl’s Shadow, Galerie Pleiku, Berlin, Germany

Behind the Moon, Gallery MUU, Helsinki, Finland

Eat Snakes!,
Gallery Cin Cin, Bratislava, Slovakia
Galleria Tyko, Nurmes, Finland
Blind Spot, Galleria Lapinlahti, Helsinki, Finland

Night Palette, KulttuuriKauppila, Ii, Finland
The Loneliness of the Traveller, Galleria Huuto, Helsinki, Finland
Hlava, cestovateľ a ostatné, Kabinet, Bratislava, Slovakia

This Is Not a Love Story, Industrial Gallery, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Look What I Found, Blansko City Gallery, Blansko, Czech Republic

Have We Met Before?, Galleria Tyko, Nurmes, Finland
Na hranici viditeľnosti, Slovak Institute in Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

Michal Czinege, Wannieck Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic
There Must Be Something There, Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, Slovakia

Land(e)scape, Galerie Sýpka, Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic
From Dusk Till Dawn, Soda Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
The Emergence of Figures, Galerie Soga Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Deep in Grass, Gallery F7, Bratislava, Slovakia

Michal Czinege, Kressling Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia

HORROR VACUI, Slovak Institute, Rome, Italy

Double Scapes, Trnava synagogue, Trnava, Slovakia

Lost Island, Tranzit Studios, Bratislava, Slovakia

New Connection, Museumsquartier 21, Vienna, Austria

Bartošová-Czinege, Slovak National Museum, Bratislava

Symbioza, Galéria mladých, Nitra, Slovakia, Slovakia

Selected group exhibitions

Forest Line, Nitra Gallery, Nitra, Slovakia

The Artist’s Book: Unique and Diverse, Kristiansand Kunsthall, Kristiansand, Norway
Trienale dum umení II, Dum umeni Zlín, Czech Republic
Kaiken takana / Beyond Everything, installation with M. Laurisen, Taidelaitos Haihatus, Joutsa, Finland
Bergen Art Book Fair, presented by Codex Polaris, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway
Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden

Booked 2022, taitelijakirjanäyttely, MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland
DaDaDaDaDa, audiovisual performance, Joensuu, Finland
Nulový bod/Ground Zero, ArtRooms Moravany, Moravany nad Váhom, Slovakia

Material Light, Pohjoinen valokuvakeskus, Kulttuurikeskus Valve, Oulu, Finland
Flash3 Biennale, installation with M. Laurisen kanssa, Helsinki, Finland

Material Light, MUU Helsinki, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland
Fleeting Existence / Pieniä huomioita olemassaolon tavoista, Joensuun taidemuseo, Finland

Entrotopia, Gallery Rantakasarmi, Helsinki, Finland
ArtFair Suomi, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland

Symphony for 5 Senses, GUS, Spisska Nova Ves, Slovakia

5000 m2, Lappeenranta, Finland
Symphony for 5 Senses, Central Slovak Gallery, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Slovak Painting – New Generation, Gallerie d’Italia, Milano, Italia
4 Elements of Innovation, Council of the European Union, Brussels, Belgium

The 50th Anniversary of the Nitra Gallery, Nitra Gallery, Nitra, Slovakia
10 Years of Painting, Central Slovak Gallery, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia; Bratislava Castle, Slovakia

Freudenthal Show 2
, Galerie Freud&Thal, Bruntál, Czech Republic
Zukunst 2014, Valtický zámok, Valtice, Czech Republic

Like It, Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria
ArtD. No1, House of Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia; Central-Slovak Gallery, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

Nord Art 2012, Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany
Indefinite Scenery, The Gallery of Miloš Alexander Bazovský, Trenčín, Slovakia; Gallery Medium, Bratislava
I LIKE turn around paintings, Kressling Gallery, Bratislava

September Harvest (Young Slovak Painting), Caesar Gallery, Olomouc, Czech Republic
ObraSKovo, Wannieck Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic

Painting After Painting, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Drawing as Thinking, Gallery Medium, Bratislava

Black and White, Kressling Gallery, Bratislava
Métamorphoses, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
11+1, House of Art, Bratislava
Selection 11.1, Václav Špála Gallery, Praha, Czech Republic

Cross Section of SLOVAK Visual Art, Kressling Gallery, Bratislava
CZ – SK Contemporary Young Painting, Wannieck Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic
2 Dollars For All We Are So Small…, Bastart Contemporary, Bratislava

Felix Culpa, with Walsh, Bicek, Czinege, Mrvová, BASTART Gallery, Bratislava
Find 10 Differences, SPACE Gallery, Bratislava
Workshop 001 (Bartošová, Czinege, Mrvová), Tranzit Workshops, Bratislava
PitoreSKa, Wannieck Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic

Made in Akryl, Galerie AD Astra, Kuřim, Czech Republic
Contemporary Art From Slovakia, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
For Some Seeds the Meal Is the End of the Journey, Tranzit workshops, Bratislava
4th Zlín Youth Salon, House of Art, Zlín, Czech Republic
Fresh Europe, KOGART, Budapest, Hungary
Young Painting, Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, Slovakia

Essl Award, Gallery Medium, Bratislava
Forever Hungry!, Tranzit workshops, Bratislava
Farbi100/dikOBRAZovo/, Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, Slovakia; Nitra City Art Museum, Nitra, Slovakia

Svétliny, Galéria na bidýlku, Brno, Czech Republic
Trip na tri (with M. Sedlák, E. Šille), Štátna galéria, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

Laco Teren Paradiso perduto & guests Bartošová and Czinege, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Wasser, voda, víz, Symposium in Bad Fischaubrunn, Vienna, Austria; Budapešť, Hungary; Bratislava, Slovakia; Šopron, Slovakia; Poprad, Slovakia

Works in collections

Bratislava City Gallery
The Essl Collection, Klosterneuburg, Austria
The European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Marek, A Collection of Contemporary Czech and Slovak Art, Czech Republic
The Slovak National Gallery
Nitra Gallery, Slovakia
The Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc, Czech Republic
The Orava Gallery, Dolný Kubín, Slovakia
Wannieck Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic 


2023/24                          Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation’s artist studio residency, Helsinki
2016                               AiR Sandnes, Norway
2015                               Kulttuurikauppila, Ii, Finland
2007, 2008                     Taidetalo, Nurmes, Finland
2005                               Museumsquartier 21, Vienna, Austria


FLASH, The Finnish Light Art Society
MUU, Finnish interdisciplinary artist association
Artists’ Association of Finland

 Awards and grants

2023         Working grant, Arts Promotion Center Finland
2022         Working grant, Art Promotion Center North Karelia
2021         Working grant, Finnish Cultural Foundation
2020         Working grant, Arts Promotion Center Finland
2019         Project grant, Art promotion center North Karelia
2019         Project grant, Alfred  Kordelin Foundation, Finland
2018-23    Project grant, City of Nurme, Finland
2018         Working grant, Arts Council of North Karelia, Finland
2018         Project grant, City of Nurmes, Finland
2017         Travel grant, Arts Promotion Centre Finland
2016         Working grant, Arts Promotion Centre Finland
2015         Project grant, Slovak Ministry of Culture
2011         Nomination for The Sovereign European Art Prize
2006         Best MA graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava
2006         Winner of Painting of the Year competition, VUB Foundation
2006-10     Finalist of Painting of the Year competition, VUB Foundation
2005         Finalist of Essl Art Award